Friday, November 2, 2012

Follow Friday #22

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee.

Q: What is a deal breaker for you in a book? For example, do you abhor love triangles? Or can't deal with bad editing?

Yes, I abhor love triangles. Just choose one guy/girl and get it over with; please do not drag it out for an entire novel. Bad editing I can deal with, if the premise and plotline are good enough. For example, I read an entire series where there were mistakes on every page, because it was a solid world and awesome characters.

What really breaks the deal for me? Several things really, which you can't really blame me for (after all, there is simply not enough hours in the day to read everything). If you can't effectively introduce any likeable character within the first 10-50 pages, I will set it down. It doesn't even have to be the main character; it could be the MC's cousin's dog. Just, someone with at least a hint of depth.

Too much swearing or sex will put me off, as well. I know normal teenagers do that sort of stuff, but I don't, and I'd appreciate reading works as clean as me. Or at least not as dirty as "normal teenagers". If I wanted to relate to a normal teenager, then I wouldn't really be reading books and minding my language.

I also might put the book down if I don't like the voice. The style, or whatever you want to call it. That modern-teenager-girl voice you hear in a lot of novels can really pluck my last nerve. On the other hand, Medieval-Speak, and sometimes 1800s-Speak, confuses me, so a lot of older novels end up on the TBR pile as well.

If the book seems bland and cliche within the first 10-50 pages, I also set it down. I mean the starting out with her waking up, the over-descriptions on food, the slow pace, too much purple prose, the cliche archetype (like a nagging wife, a wise old man, a rebellious-just-to-be-rebellious teenager), etc. etc. etc.

So, yea. Love triangles, unrealistic characters, too much swearing/sex, unappealing voice, bland and cliche. I can't pick up every book; I can set standards for my reading selection.

[By the way, Nanowrimo has started! I'm up to 2,000 words. Just another 1500 or so today!]

How about you? What is a dealbreaker for you? Have a blessed weekend! 


  1. New follower
    follow back on

  2. ok i'm feeling bad because i like love triangles and everybody is hating them!

    trish - my follow friday

  3. Great answer! I agree love-triangles are overplayed, especially in YA. I've never been the type of girl who dreams about having to choose between to guys anyways. I always know who I pick right away and then I get annoyed when the heroine can't pick! Clichés are a deal breaker for me as well. I wish I'd remembered to add them to my FFF as I was writing it. Thanks for sharing, new follower via GFC :)

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  4. I agree completely with all of your points!!

    Also- GREAT job on Nano! I thought about doing it this year, but just couldnt since Im already writing WAY to much on my other novels.

    Great luck with it though!!
    Old follower-
    Come check out My FF

    Also, don’t forget to enter my Giveaway to win any book from the book depository, HERE

  5. All really good points! Bland and cliche are something that are big turn off!
    New follower via GFC!

  6. I mentioned cliches on my post too. The worst. Good luck on Nano, I've taken the challenge also.

    New follow.
    Alise - My FF Post

  7. Characters are a big deal to me too! And I'm doing NaNo - we should be writing buddies! Find me here:

    New follow via GFC.

    Julie~ New Adult Addiction
